30 October 2007


Originally posted on my Friendster blog on 19 August 2007, right about the time I started this.

"It's time for you to organize the different elements of your life and get things on a coherent schedule. Your work or school obligations, your friendships and your romantic relationships are all pulling you in different directions, and the problem will only get bigger if you put off getting things in line. Be a lot more structured about how you plan your days -- get it down to the minute if you have to. These drastic measures don't have to be permanent, but they'll get you going down the right track."

that chunk above is my horoscope for the day. it's crazy how i've done nothing the past few weeks but try to organize my life, and and still, the horoscope i get tells me to do more of it. then again, as i begin thinking about how i've spent the last few weeks, i realize that, perhaps, what it's telling me is to organize ALL aspects of my life, not just certain aspects of it, as i'm prone to do. in particular, i think it's telling me to start attending to my school obligations--instead of organizing and re-organizing my photos and uploading them. ahem. i also think it's telling me to start transcribing my data and writing my first chapter--instead of starting this. ahem. ahem.

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