29 November 2007

My Daemon

Yup, that's my Daemon. Actually, it's my second daemon. The first one that I got, Klitus, a Gibbon, was a result of me cheating--that is, I didn't answer the questions truthfully--so I retook the exam, and now, I have Aradion, a Fox. I'm still not sure if Aradion is really my perfect match, but I don't think it reflects well on me to take the exam a third time. Hehe.

I've been excited about this movie for some time now, though I haven't read the book. I wish I could read the book before seeing the movie, but that is simply not possible. I have papers to write and paperwork to take care of and lots of packing to do. Hay. I guess I'll just have to see the movie first then read the book later. I'll make sure to read the next two books right after the first though, so I'm better prepared when their movie versions come along.

My excitement for the movie is at its peak tonight, because I just saw the full trailer. I went out to see 'Enchanted,' which was okay--hilarious in parts and nicely reminiscent of the Disney movies of my childhood, but not as entertaining as I thought it would be--so it was really the preview of 'The Golden Compass' that made the whole movie experience for me. Plus: I had one of those yummy Lindt Lindor Balls just before the movie. Hee!

Anyhoo, I've been very distracted these past few days. There are just so many things that need to be taken care of. As already mentioned above: Papers. Paperwork. Packing. And in addition: Gifts. Visiting Relatives. My Slayer, Werewolf, Vampire, and Zombie Armies. Grrrowlerrr and other Fluffs that are now in danger of being eaten by one CONFUSED and very HUNGRY Fluff (hahaha). And 1001 more Apps. Indeed, there is no rest for the wicked. :D

On top of all these, I'm always getting sleepy these days. Must be hibernation season again. Hehe. Thing is when I get sleepy, I have to give in and sleep, because if not, I won't be able to function properly and work anyway. I'd like to to think of these moments when I give in as powernapping--you know taking those little naps that stretch up to 3 to 4 hours. Hehe. Sometimes, I wonder how I can ever go back to work after this stint. It'll be quite an adjustment to have a schedule again and to not be able to powernap whenever I feel like it. Oh well. I'll cross the bridge, la, la, la.

Ok, got to go. I'm so sleepy right now I can hardly think straight.


unwrecked said...

hey, this looks like a nice film nga.... i'm a phototion (?). i forget what it means - i'll post it sa friendster ko siguro.

hehehehee. uy, thanks sa inyo ni crammer ha for caring for xnail. or perhaps, for responding to the threat (na kakainin niya fluffs niyo pag di siya na feed. mwahahahahaha!).

nah, baka naman preggy kaya ka antukin. hehehehehehe! that's a wonderful thought, don't you think? hahahaha. regards ulit... ang kulit ko no? kainis. bad trip. :)

FenceSitter said...

sige, toix, post it na. :)

buti na lang may ibang nag-aalaga kay x-nail. hahaha.

nde, antukin lang talaga ko. as in, sobra. hahaha. wag naman sana preggy kasi parang kakaiba yata yun. hehe.