31 October 2007


Originally posted on 24 October 2007.

Okay, I did say I was going back to work, but just one more thing. I'm sure you have your own reaction/s to and/or position on the recent outing of Albus Dumbledore by his creator, JK. I will not discuss mine here, because it's not really the point of this link. But I really do want to say that I think it's wonderful that Dumbledore is gay, and such a shame that I chose not to pick up on it--I did think there might have been something a bit more in his thing with Grindelwald--primarily because I didn't think JK would dare. Turns out she did, and even announced it, in no uncertain terms, to the whole world. (Well, pretty much, right?) Despite certain misgivings about the business side of the franchise and how JK has been handling it, I have to say, props to JK for this one. I acknowledge what this pronouncement can mean, what it can do, and I'll give JK credit for that.

Okay, so I did end up talking A LITTLE BIT about what I thought. To the article now, what I find interesting in it is the shift of the discussion from JK's pronouncement of Dumbledore's sexuality to what JK does to the notion of authorship every time she announces some piece of information or 'past' or 'future' story about a character in a series that is supposedly concluded. Indeed, in JK's case, it seems the author is definitely alive.

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