30 October 2007

Berry Creamy Evening

Originally posted on 29 August 2007.

What do I do when I have work due soon and I haven't started it yet? I do something else. Just like today. Since I have an abstract due on Saturday and I'm already beginning to panic (because I have no idea what to write and the publication I'm sending it to, I've been told, is so discerning), I decided to divert my attention a little bit. I cooked dinner. (I suppose this is also my way of taking control of the kitchen again after the fiasco on Sunday.) I fried fish and garnished it with lemon and made a cream-based vegetable dish following a favorite recipe from my mom. Some pictures--because I'm kinda proud of my creation. Hee.

Do you see how perfectly fried the fish was? I did say I was going to go with low and/or medium heat after Sunday's fiasco, but fish, if you wanted it fried, had to be cooked in high heat. That I got from a Kitchenomics show I caught years and years ago, which for some reason, I never forgot.

And do you see the fusion of colors in the vegetable dish? The reds and the greens combining gorgeously? Nigella would be so proud of me. Haha.

And for dessert, have you ever tasted real raspberries and blackberries? Not me, so dessert, which was bourbon fudge brownie with raspberries and blackberries in light cream (not so light actually, if you put all of them together) was just marvelous. I wish I could say I created it, too, but no, credit must be given where it's due. It was Fama who made it, and it was her idea.

And because the berries in cream (note: in cream!) were so good, and we already ran out of brownies and still had some apple pie, guess what we came up with next? Here, which was, in fact, much more marvelous, and thus the already half-eaten apple pie:

Don't get me wrong. I'm not a fantastic cook. I'm more of a hit and miss cook. (Well, I do have my own house specialties, but that I suppose would be another story.) It's most times too salty, most times overcooked, sometimes too oily, sometimes bland. But there are times when I get everything just right. I think tonight is one of those. Happy sigh. Now, if I could just write the effin abstract, it would all be perfect.

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